Please provide the key information about a CSO or CSO network that would like to benefit from Strategic Mentoring in a few points. Check the selection criteria to align with what we are looking for.
We want to learn what bothers you in order to provide targeted support of strategic importance. Describe what are the key challenges you have identified. Let us know why this presents a development challenge for you and what you think should be done with the assistance of Strategic Mentoring Support
Describe how you see Strategic Mentoring Support in practice. How will the expected solution actually benefit you? For example, if you need support in the development of an organisational strategy, What do you expect to happen once the strategy is created?
Based on the previous experience in implementing the Strategic Mentoring Support, for successful work on the organisational development, it is important that CSO or CSO network members are actively involved in the process. Therefore, we would like to know what your plan is for the involvement of the staff, volunteers, governing body members and other constituencies in this process. Please note that activities under this support can be implemented in an online format as well. Whenever possible, quantify information to be provided and divided by gender.