Registration Form - Gender and European integrations: Approaches and Practices from Kosovo* and Serbia

European integrations have assumed a central place in the public policy, institutional reform and development, as well as in regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. As a direction of democratic consolidation, European integration have been made part of the agenda of the civil society organizations, and in particular of the women’s movements who continue to advocate for inclusion of gender in the European integration related policies. The panel takes a view at on gender approaches and policies to European integration in Kosovo* and Serbia. Panellists will present the current state of affairs and how gender shapes approaches and practices of European integrations in Kosovo and how women’s non-governmental organizations have responded and the issues they have taken onboard. 

More specifically, the panel will address the following topics:

  • Gender policy and European integrations agenda;
  • Overview of the legal and institutional frame on gender equality: challenges and opportunities
  • Comparative analysis of gender equality indicators in Kosovo and Serbia with the European Union level;
  • Civil society activism on gender and European integrations, and
  • New directions for gender equality and European integration agenda in Kosovo and Serbia

Registration deadline is 31 May 2021 at 17:00 hrs. 

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Civil Society Organisation: Civil society refers to all forms of social action carried out by individuals or groups who are neither connected to, nor managed by, the State (EUR-Lex Glossary: