EU Civil Society Guidelines

The DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement region outline the results towards which EU support to civil society in the enlargement region will aspire in the period 2021 – 2027. EU support to civil society will continue to focus on strengthening participatory democracies and the EU approximation and integration process in the Western Balkans and Turkey through a strengthened contribution by civil society.

The guidelines are anchored in a solid set of standards. These are based on the EU Rule of law Acquis (Chapter 23 “Judiciary and fundamental rights” and Chapter 24 “Justice, freedom and security”) and other relevant international and European standards. They are furthermore aligned with recommendations, opinions and guidelines adopted by international organisations and inter-governmental fora. They apply standards developed by civil society for civil society at the global level.

These Guidelines are for EU staff, civil society in the Enlargement region and IPA beneficiary policymakers and officials.

The Guidelines are published officially on the website of the European Commission, DG NEAR, here.

DG NEAR will periodically commission an assessment against the Guidelines. These assessments will provide evidence on the current state of civil society and a time series of data that will indicate positive or negative trends against the indicators.

Country Analysis Kosovo/Analiza për Kosovën

Analiza për Kosovën është një aneks i Udhëzimeve të DG NEAR për Mbështetjen e Shoqërisë Civile
2021-2027: Raport Vlerësimi i Situatës Bazës 2021

Country Analysis Albania/Analiza Për Shqipërinë

Analiza për Shqipërinë është një aneks i Udhëzimeve të DG NEAR për Mbështetjen e Shoqërisë Civile
2021-2027: Raport Vlerësimi i Situatës Bazë 2021

County Analysis Montenegro/Analiza Zemlje Crna Gora

Ova Analiza države je Prilog Smjernicama DG NEAR-a za podršku EU civilnom društvu 2021–2027: Izvještaj o početnoj procjeni iz 2021. godine – Prilog 4 – Analiza Zemlje Crna Gora 


Country Analysis North Macedonia/Анализа На Земјата Северна Македонија

Анекс кон Насоките на ЕУ за поддршка на граѓанското општество за периодот 2021-2027, изготвени од страна на Генералниот директорат за соседство и преговори за проширување: Извештај за оценка на состојбата за 2021 година, Анекс 5: Анализа на земјата – Северна Македонија


Country Analysis Serbia/Analiza Zemlje Srbija

Aneks Smernicama DG NEAR za podršku EU civilnom društvu 2021- 2027: Izveštaj o početnoj proceni stanja za 2021. godinu – Aneks 6 – Analiza Zemlje Srbija


DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society 2021-2027, Baseline Assessment Report 2021

The main Baseline Assessment Report covers the Western Balkans and Türkiye. Annexes, including individual country reports and the results of the CSO survey, are also available here.

To access the Country reports, simply click on the drop-down arrow located beside the Report option and choose Country Report. Then, proceed to download the report.